Little did I know on
January 1, 2012 when I chose the word Awaken, how my life and the life of my
family would be awakened to so much and how God would provide all of what we
would need to live through it.
2012 brought with it joy, pain,
loneliness, exhaustion, laughter, thanksgiving and blessings. Through all of
the ups and downs, twists and turns we found God beside us, ahead of us,
holding us, directing us and simply being with us.
I began a new job as
Director of Women’s Ministry, our oldest daughter went back to college, our
first grandson was born but with complications that would keep him in the
hospital the first 5 months of his little, on Christmas Day God would give us
the special gift of bringing Jackson home from the hospital so that he and his
mommy and daddy could begin their life as a family under one roof, our son
would move 500 miles away to start a new life in a new place, become engaged to
a beautiful sweet young woman, and my husband and I would become empty nesters
and would begin a new chapter of our lives getting to know one another again.
Within all of what happened
there are details that I won’t share but please know that there were many
challenges, struggles, anxiety, anticipation and waiting, lots of waiting.
So on this the first day
of the new year, I look back on 2012 with relief in knowing that we made it
through stronger and with a deeper connection with one another and with God and
I look forward to what lies ahead for me in 2013.
As I close the chapter of my life titled “Awaken”, I begin a new chapter with a new word. I took a long time thinking about which word I would choose for this year. Many words traveled through my thoughts but one word stood out among the others. My word for 2013 is “Simplicity”. The word simplicity brings calmness to my spirit that I deeply need.
I realized after a year
filled with new responsibilities, traveling back and forth to see my grandson
for 5 months, the everyday drama and challenges that my own choices and decisions
brought to my life and those that other people brought to my life, I am ready
for a little more simple and a lot less hectic.
So this year I am searching,
beckoning, needing and embracing a more simple way of life. This year I will be
sharing with you all that I discover and learn as I search for simplicity. And
with every new word I will bring God along for the ride. Turning to him to
reveal to me the simple pleasures, blessings, changes and growth opportunities
that may bring to me simplicity.
So as we begin 2013, I
wish each of you a year filled with God’s blessings. May you have more love,
joy, laughter, courage, growth and simplicity.