Today I saw the glimpse of a rainbow in my life. The storm that has been pounding down on my family for the last 5 years is finally coming to an end, and I know that God has been right there with me the entire time. It is a battle that has been hard fought. I have watched my daughter being hunted down and torn apart by evil of an extrodinary strength. Through it all God has heard our prayers. At times we cried out in pain, worry, anger, fear and confusion. I can now look back and see that I am not the same person I was 5 years ago, none of us are. My relationship with God is stronger and closer. He has given me strength and perseverance that I never thought I could have. God is so great! My love for God and my faith in God are so much stronger. God has rescued my daughter out of the grips of evil and she is coming home. Home to a new start, a new chance of a great life. When I look back I can thank God for the storm that has crashed around us. I have learned patience in God. Patience in waiting and listening for God's word. I know that while my daughter was fighting the evil around her God was protecting her and comforting her. I want to shout it for everyone to hear. GOD IS GREAT. ALL THE TIME. ALL THE TIME. GOD IS GREAT!!!
In 2006 when God spoke to my heart while I sat by the lake, he told me that my daughter would be fine. He told me to be patient. He asked me to trust him. I did. I will trust in God the rest of my life. I will trust in God when the next storm comes. God will see me through. God is great!!
I, too, have gone through long storms in my life that, in retrospect, have led me to a closer relationship with God. I thank Him for every event in my life, whether I perceived them as good or bad. Thanks for sharing your story. I look forward to reading more from you. God Bless You!