Wanted: a magic wand, fairy dust or a working time machine. Any of these will work, as long as it can help bring my grandson home from the hospital to be with his mommy and daddy. My grandson has been living in Omaha Nebraska at Children's Hospital since July 25, 2012, the day he entered this world, while his mommy, daddy and grandparents, live and work 1 1/2 hours away. Jackson was born with a condition called Esophageal Atresia. His esophagus didn't connect together and so he has been in the hospital waiting for it to grow 2 cm before they can do surgery to connect the two sections. Yesterday they checked to see if it had grown enough but unfortunately it still has a tiny bit more to grow which means they will not be doing surgery until the first of November. This means waiting another month. Tomorrow he will be 10 weeks old. He has never gone for a walk in his stroller, a ride in the car, has never seen his blue nursery with his toy box that grandpa painted and put wooden cars, trucks and airplanes on or his name on the wall above his crib. He has never breathed in the fresh air from outdoors or seen a puppy dog. Jackson has been living in a small area of the NNICU his entire short little life. His mommy and daddy visit him every weekend, I go one day a week and his other grandma goes on another day. We also go every weekend so that grandpa can visit him too. This is Jackson's life.
The last 10 weeks have tested our patience and faith. It has also made us more aware of what is important, family, love, hope and joy. Little things just don't get us upset anymore. Time has become important. Checking off the days on the calendar and looking ahead to being able to see his precious face, to hold him, sing to him and read to him. Our life revolves around time spent with Jackson and the time spent away from Jackson.
This is not a journey we signed up for. This is not something we asked for. This is not something that we prayed for. But God has seen us through. With God our faith has been restored, our patience has grown and our hope in tomorrow refreshed. The joy that Jackson has brought to our lives far out weighs any of the sadness or frustration that we have expressed or the tears that we have shed. God has given us the strength to endure and the perseverance to continue on. God has been our rock and our fortress.
We know that Jackson will be coming home to his mommy and daddy and his blue room. He will run, jump, laugh, cry and drive his parents crazy. He will grow into the man that God intends him to be and he will be blessed. God placed Jackson on this earth for a reason and I can't wait to watch that little boy grow into a strong, compassionate, caring and loving man.
Jackson David, your Nana loves you!!